Archives for category: Michael O

ImageHi, I’m Mike – SYN Media Blogger at #CBAA2012 and one of the two Exec Producers of SYN’s 1700. I’ve only been involved in Community Broadcasting since early last year at SYN, but I’ve made a lot of radio & TV in that time! Community Broadcasting for me is all about giving incredible opportunities to those interested in media, and getting that crucial experience and knowledge needed to work in the industry. I can’t wait to cover the conference and chat to other broadcasters!

If you like BBC quiz shows and hate writing bio’s, I think we’ll get along just fine.

You can follow me at @micodonoghue, or check out some of my interviews here.

Follow this blog for live coverage of  the CBAA Conference 2012 – Access All Areas –  or you can join in on Twitter at #CBAA2012